Reliably meet your mining production and cost targets
Thursday, March 17, 2021
1:00pm- 4:30pm
Live – interactive – online
Master classes
Join Stratflow for another Master Class event with Stratflow Owner, Hendrik Lourens
Reliably meet your production and cost targets
Most mines are struggling to reach their targets. Their costs are higher than expected and they are under pressure to cut corners, all while grades are declining. Their managers’ frustration levels and stress levels are very high and they are under ever more pressure on safety and social obligations. Much of management’s time is spent dealing with how to find ways to catch up and meet the targets. Every day they are caught up in firefighting, silo behaviors, finger pointing between various departments and they are working very hard and long hours with limited success.
This can create an environment of low engagement and it is a straitjacket from which employees and managers can only escape with difficulty. The Theory of Constraints provides the theoretical underpinning to enable managers and employees to use the best of current management theory, to replace the parts holding performance back and to reap benefits previously considered unachievable. Because TOC focusses on changing the way people think to better align with the reality on the ground, significant results appear very quickly.
Theory of Constraints is a necessary component but not sufficient, we also need to adjust organizational culture, the achilles heel of most productivity interventions. Instead of a change program we need a change platform which allows bottom up initiatives driven by engaged employees. We need visibility of the few crucial levers affecting the entire process and ways to manage the risk involved with change.
At Stratflow we have been fine-tuning the Productivity Platform for more than 20 years and in more than 90 mining interventions. It typically delivers 25% more output with the same resources, but up to 40% more have been achieved. Our work has been valuable to clients such as Anglo American, De Beers, Gold Fields and Glencore.
In this masterclass you will learn the following:
What holds back operational performance.
The basic principles of TOC and how it is applied.
Which parts of our management system to keep, which to change and what to change it to.
How a productivity platform enables the change.
How to quickly build a productivity platform.
Case studies demonstrating increased output reliability.
Read more about this topic:
Presented by:
Hendrik Lourens
Hendrik Lourens is the owner of Stratflow, a company that provides solutions to mining companies that are looking for immediate and significant results.
Stratflow solves its client’s problems by enabling them to reliably meet production and cost targets, while improving on safety, lowering stress levels and becoming more innovative.
Hendrik has qualifications in Physics, Polymer Science, and an MBA. He has worked at Director level in manufacturing businesses and for a number of Tier 1 companies. On completing the “Managing the Theory of Constraints Way” in 2010 he became the first practitioner to pass all exams involved in the TOC Body of Knowledge within one year. His focus is on applying Complexity Science & Theory of Constraints to deliver breakthrough results. He has turned around manufacturers and improved the safety & productivity of mining and construction companies as well as published in various journals on efficiency and innovation.
W: Stratflow.com.au (http://Stratflow.com.au)
E: hendrik@stratflow.com.au (mailto:hendrik@stratflow.com.au),
Masterclass Registration: AUD 385
Due to the interactive nature of the event attendance is restricted to 30 people.
Register now at https://tix.yt/HvB to obtain a place.